Welcome to the
Drogheda Medical
Eye Clinic
We offer comprehensive patient care in a safe and friendly environment. By combining the latest technology with traditional techniques, we do our utmost to provide our clients with the best medical eye care service in the region.
The Drogheda Medical Eye Clinic is a consultant-led specialist eye care clinic, equipped with state of the art diagnostic equipment.
Welcome to the Drogheda Medical Eye Clinic, conveniently located on the Dublin Road, Drogheda.
Our mission at DMEC is to provide our patients with a top eye care service in a compassionate, and efficient way.
We also collaborate and work with surgical eye specialists, as well as other medical specialists, to provide you with the best eye care pathway -
with your needs and location in mind.

Contact us.
We accept referrals from GPs, opticians, other medical specialists as well as self-referral and medico-legal referrals from solicitors. Patients are seen quickly, with same day emergency care or waiting time of up to a maximum of 1 week after referral.
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